two American soldiers were killed in Frankfurt airport


International reported online (in Germany YanFan standing reporter) : local time 2, according to the German media reports, two U.S. soldiers in Frankfurt airport shootings events in death, bakugan toys  another two people seriously injured.

According to the German media reports, in the afternoon 15 points about 20 points, a reporter from kosovo man in Frankfurt airport terminal 2 outgoing a bus carrying American soldiers buses to shoot. The man the 21-year-old, living in Frankfurt, he has to U.S. bus opened 9 gun, caused including drivers, including two American soldiers were killed and two others us soldier head and chest were shot, seriously injured. silicone watch At that time there were 13 U.S. soldiers, they are prepared to go to ShiTaiEn ramster - the United States in Germany at an air base. Hit-and-run man shot immediately after fleeing to terminal direction and was finally police uniforms and arrested. German police said, is to shooting the investigation.  The police is uncertain whether the shooting with terrorism or certain political motivation relevant also don't expel hit-and-run man suffering from mental illnesses likely.


German chancellor Angela merkel lady learn after shootings, said of her things happen shocked. The German sport silicone watchgovernment will do all it can, soon find out the facts. She also to the victims in shootings and victims' families and relatives condolences. U.S. President Obama day also says he is shooting rampages was shocked and sad. The U.S. government will try to investigate the shootings and the reason of passing by. Germany's foreign minister west learn it after wellek also expresses required to probe shooting, shall be investigated for as soon as possible threats ofsilicone watches wholesale responsibility.

Par xmjiang le jeudi 03 mars 2011


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