Dad on Westboro: Blood is on court's hands

(CBS News)  The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that a grieving father's

pain over jeering protests atshop online 2011 his Marine son's funeral must yield to

U.S. Constitutional protections for free speech, ending a lawsuit

against the church. It was five years ago tomorrow that Marine Lance

Corporal Matthew Snyder was killed in a Humvee accident in Iraq. He was

20 years old. Speaking from York, Pa., his father, Albert, spoke about

the ruling with CBS Newscoach handbags anchor Katie Couric.


Katie Couric: Mr. Snyder what was your reaction to today's Supreme

Court decision?


Albert Snyder: I was kind of shocked. Um, I can't believe that the

Supreme Court today has now told us that we have no rights to bury our

dead in peace. It's a sad day for Varsity jacketsour military men and women, their

families. It's a sad day for all Americans. My first thought was, what

kind of society have we become?


Couric: Are you surprised the decision was so overwhelming, with eight

out of nine Justices backing the protesters?


Snyder: Yes I was Katie. It just, you know, they may be book smart, but

they don't have the common sense God gave a goat. You know the Justices

and the government will send our  Varsity jacketschildren to war and they'll send them

back in body bags and then they can't even give us enough respect to

bury them in peace.


Couric: The church has protested outside many other funerals. What

would you say to other grieving families today?


CBS News' Jan Crawford on Alito's dissent


Snyder: Well there's not much we can do about it anymore. When the

government won't do anything about it, and the courts give us no

remedy, then people are going to start taking matters into their own

hands. And believe me someone is going to get hurt. And when the blood

starts flowing, let it be on the Supreme Court Justices' hands.


Couric: Tomorrow I know, Mr. Snyder, is the five-year anniversary of

your son's death. This must be a very difficult time for you and your

family. Tell us what you are remembering about your son today?


Snyder: Just about how good a kid he was, how proud he was to be a

soldier, how proud he was of America, Varsity jacketsand if he could see this, I don't

think he'd be very proud of this country right now.


Couric: Thank you very much for speaking with us, Mr. Snyder, we so

appreciate it.


Snyder: You're welcome Katie.

Par xmjiang le jeudi 03 mars 2011


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