Iran says is ready to six-nation is intercommunity negotiations

Iran's foreign ministry spokesman MeiHeMan pola sandhust 1, said Iran

had prepared and the United shop online 2011 States, Britain, France, Russia, China,

Germany six-nation is intercommunity negotiations, and is willing to

six-nation is intercommunity problems on cooperation.


MeiHeMan pola sandhust day in Iran's foreign ministry he told a regular

news conference, if the six-nation talks are willing to adopt fair

attitude and stressed the cooperation and FeiDuiKang, then Iran's

willingness to negotiate.


Previous day herod, Iran's coach handbagsforeign minister, Sally, said Iran in Geneva

to continue with the six-nation talks.


MeiHeMan pola sandhust 8th February has said that Iran's nuclear

program is for peaceful purposes. He said, about Iran's nuclear

program, nothing can talk, Iran in the future will only with the six-

nation nuclear talks about a "world in the fields faced general



Iran and the recent round of six-nation nuclear talks on January 22nd,

in Istanbul, Turkey over. Becausecoach Outlet store the two sides in uranium enrichment

problems exist on a basic difference, the talks no substantial results.

European Union foreign and security policy in senior representatives

ashton after meeting, said Iran for talks set up prerequisites, causing

the talks come and go. But she also stressed that the six-nation

admitted that Iran's peaceful coach Outlet storenuclear rights, dialogue and negotiation

of the gate is open. Iranian President mahmoud ahmadinejad said Iran

January for the future of the nuclear talks with relevant countries


Par xmjiang le mercredi 02 mars 2011


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